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CEEOG -  Conference abstracts

 Conference abstracts

  • S. Kerpel-Fronius, Z. Mechl, J. Csetenyi, T. Nagykalnai, F. Gyergyay, J. Jassem et al.: Pharmacocinetic and response rate of 5-Fluorouracil given in daily 4h infusion combined with cisplatin in head and neck cancer. Phase I-II study. Proc. Annual ASCO meeting, 1988, 150.

  • K. Kolaric, S. Eckhardt, J. Jassem, E. Kanitz, A. Tamas, C. Intini, Z. Schoket, M. Pawlicki. Phase II randomized study of high-dose epirubicin combined with either cyclophosphamide or cisplatin in small cell lung cancer. Proc 16 Int Congress of Chemother, Jerusalem 1989, 877.1-877.2.

  • E. Kanitz, S. Eckhardt, K. Kolaric, J. Jassem: High-dose epi-doxorubicin combination treatment in untreated extensive small cell lung patients. Eur Respir Journal 1989, 2 (suppl. 8), 1989.

  • K. Kolaric, S. Eckhardt, C. Intini, Z. Mechl, J. Jassem: The antitumor activity of high-dose epirubicin in small cell lung cancer Abst. 9th Asia Pacific Cancer Conference 1989, Lahore, str. 6

  • J. Jassem, E. Hall, R. Commbes, J. Bliss, L. Gibson:  Surgical approaches to early breast cancer in the Intergroup Exemestane Study: large differences by country and geographical region. Eur J Cancer, 2004, 2, 162

  • R. C. Coombes, R. Paridaens, J. Jassem, C. J. Van de Velde, T. Deolzier, S. E. Jones, E. Hall, L. S. Kilburn, C. F. Snowdon, J. M. Bliss. : First mature survival analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study: A randomized trial in disease-free, postmenopausal patients with early breast cancer randomized to continous tamoxifen or switch to exemestane followin an initial 2-3 years of adjuvant tamoxifen. J Clin Oncol, 2006, 24, Suppl. 1, 9s

  • J. Jassem, R.C. Coombes, B. Ireland, E. Hall, C.F. Snowdon, J.M. Bliss : Approaches to postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) in the intergroup exemestane study (IES). Radioth Oncol 2006, 81, Suppl 1, S278

  • G. Bertelli, E. Hall. E. Ireland, J. Jassem, J.M. Bliss, C.F. Snowdon, R.C. : Coombes.Endometrial status in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES) up to 2 years post-treatment. Breast Cancer Res Treat, 2007, 106, suppl. 1, S111

  • Duchnowska R, Jassem J, Thorat M, Morimiya A, Li L, Sledge GW Jr, Biernat W, Szczylik C, Steeg P, Badve S. : Gene expression analysis for prediction of early brain metastasis in HER2-positive breast cancer patients.  J Clin Oncol 2008; 26 (supl): 45s.

  • Duchnowska R, Jassem J, Shen C, Thorat M, Li L, Morimiya A, Zhao Q, Biernat W, Mandat T, Staszkiewicz R, Och W, Szostak W, Gugala K, Trojanowski T, Czartoryska-Arlukowicz B, Szczylik C, Nakshatri H, Steeg P, Sledge G, Badve S : Molecular characteristics of matched brain metastasis (BM) versus the primary breast cancer (PBC). Abst 31st Annual San Antonio Breast Symposium 2008; 164s (abst. 2028).

  • Duchnowska R, Jassem J, Shen C, Thorat M, Li L, Morimiya A, Zhao Q, Biernat W, Mandat T, Staszkiewicz R, Och W, Szostak W, Gugała K,Trojanowski T, Czartoryska-Arlukowicz B, Szczylik C, Nakshatri H, Steeg P, Sledge GW, Badve S : Molecular features of matched brain metastasis (BM) versus the primary breast cancer (PBC). Abst Book 6th, Opatia, 2009; 93. Central European Oncology Conference

  • J.M. Bliss, L.S. Kilburn, R.E. Coleman, J.F. Forbes, A.S. Coates, S.E. Jones, J. Jassem, T. Delozier, J. Andersen, R.J. Paridaens, R.C. Coombes, on behalf off the IES Steering Committee. Disease Related Outcome with Long Term Follow-Up: An Updated Analysis of the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES). Cancer Res 2009; 69: 487s

  • Duchnowska R, Szostakiewicz B, Jankowski T, Arlukowicz-Czartoryska B, Wysocki PJ, Huang W, Bates MP, Weidler J, Haddad M, Jassem J : Correlation between quantitative HER2 protein level and the risk of brain metastasis (BM) in patients (pts) with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated with trastuzumab-containing therapy. J Clin Oncol 28:15s, 2010 (suppl; abst. 1030)

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, T. Jankowski, B. Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wysocki, W. Huang, M. P. Bates, J. Weidler, M. Haddad, J. Jassem : Związek pomiędzy ilościową oceną białka HER2 i ryzykiem przerzutów do mózgu u chorych na rozsianego raka piersi otrzymujących leczenie zawierające trastuzumab. Nowotwory J. oncol. 2011:61 (Supl.2): 36-37

  • G Minuti, M Roncalli, A Fabi, L Landi, J Jassem, R Duchnowska, W Biernat, R Sarnelli, M V-Garcia, F Cappuzzo:MET increased gene copy number and trastuzumab efficacy in HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer patients: preliminary results of an international retrospective collaborative study (submitted to congress IMPAKT)

  • R. Audet, R. Duchnowska, K. Adamowicz, J. Zok, W. Rogowski, M. M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, M. Jaworska, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Kulma-Kreft, K. Zabkowska, C. Shen, S. Edgerton, K. V. Nielsen, A. D. Thor, J. C. N. Chang, K. Miller, J. Jassem, G. W. Sledge, B. Leyland-Jones: Thymidilate synthase (TS) gene copy number as predictive marker of capecitabine efficacy in breast cancer patients (submitted to annual ASCO meetig 2011)

  • W. Biernat, R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperindale, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, J. Weidler, W. Huang, J. Winslow, T. Jankowski, B. Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wyscki, M. Foszczyńska-Kloda, B. Radecka, M. M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, M. Bates, _J. Jassem_: Quantitative measurements of p95HER2 (p95) and total HER2 (H2T) protein expression in patients with trastuzumab-treated, metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Independent confirmation od clinical cutoffs. J Clin Oncol 2011, 29, 15S

  • . R. Duchnowska, _J. Jassem_, E. Szutowicz, W. Biernat, T. Jankowski, W. Och, R. Staszkiewicz, M. Chudzik, W. Rogowski, N. Flores, S. Woditschka, L. Li, C. Goswami, M. A. Throat, Y. Gokmen-Polar, G. W. Sledge, P. S. Steeg, D. Palmieri, S. S. Badve: J Clin Oncol 2011, 29, 15S

  • R. Audet, R. Duchnowska. K. Adamowicz, J. ZOk, W. Rogowski, M. M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, M. Jaworska, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Kulma-Kreft, K. Zabkowska, C. Shen, S. Edgerton, K. V. Nielsen, A. D. Thor, J. C. N. Chang, K. Miller, _J. Jassem_: Thymidilate synthase gene copy number as predictive marker of capecitabine efficacy in patients with breast cancer. J Clin Oncol 2011, 29, 15S

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, T. Jankowski, B. Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wysocki, W. Huang, M. P. Bates, J. Weidler, M. Haddad, _J. Jassem_: High HER2 protein level is associated with increased risk of brain metastasis (BM) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treated with trastuzumab-containing therapy 7^th Central European Oncology Congress, Opatija, Croatia, June 12-15, 2011 Final Program & Abstract Book, 59.

  • M. T. Skrzypski, R. Dziadziuszko, A. Szymanowska, E. Jassem, P. Czapiewski, W. Biernat, R. Pawłowski, W. Rzyman, _J. Jassem_: Three-microRNA expression profile is related to the risk of dissemination and prognosis i early stage squamous cell lung cancer (SQCLC). Proceedings of the 14^th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Book 2 J Thor Oncol 2011, 6, Suppl. 2, S1075-S1076

  • R. Dziadziuszko, M. W. Wynes, S. Singh, B. G. Reyna Assuncion, J. Ranger-Moore, K. Konopa, W. Rzyman, B. Szostakiewicz, _J. Jassem_, F. R. Hirsch: Correlation between met gene copy number by silver in situ hybridization and protein expression by immunohistochemistry in non-small-cell lung cancer Proceedings of the 14^th World Conference on Lung Cancer, Book 2 J Thor Oncol 2011, 6, Suppl. 2, S1103

  • J. Jassem: Is It Time to Review the Common Toxicity Criteria in the Era of New Targeted Drugs? 2011 European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress Ecco16/ESMO36/ESTRO30 Stockholm, 23-27 September 2011 Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: Suppl. 1, s86

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, R. Dziadziuszko, T. Mandat, W. Olszewski, B. Jarosz, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, W. Biernat, J. Jassem: Receptor Conversion in Breast Cancer Brain Metastases (BM) 2011 European Multidisciplinary Cancer Congress Ecco16/ESMO36/ESTRO30 Stockholm, 23-27 September 2011 Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: Suppl. 1, s355

  • R. Duchnowska, W. Biernat, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperinde, F. Piette, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, P. Wysocki, T. Jankowski, B. Radecka, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Litwiniuk, S. Debksa, J. Weidler, W. Huang, M. Buyse, M. Bates, J. Jassem: Correlation between Quantitative HER2 Protein Expression and Risk of Brain Metastases in HER-2 Positive Advanced Breast Cancer Patients Receiving Trastuzumab-Containing Therapy Cancer Res 2011; 71: 291s, P2-12-05

  • R.M. Audet, S. Changyu, R. Duchnowska, K. Adamowicz, J. Zok, W. Rogowski, M. Litwiniuk, S. Dębska, M. Jaworska, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Kulma-Kreft, K. Zabkowska, J. Jassem, S. Edgerton, K. Vang Nielsen, A. Thor, J. Chang, K. Miller, G.W. Sledge, B. Leyland-Jones: Gene Copy Number and Expression of TYMP and TYMS Are Predictive of Outcome in Breast Cancer Patients Treated with Capecitabine Cancer Res 2011; 71: 514s-515s, P5-01-06

  • G. Minuti, R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, M. Roncalli, T. O?Brien, A. Fabi, L. Landi, R. Di Marsico, W. Biernat, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, T. Jankowski, D. Zuziak, J. Zok, B. Szostakiewicz, M. Foszczycnak-Kloda, A. Tempinska_Szalach, E. Rossi, M. Varella-Garcia, F. Capuzzo: /MET /and Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) Increased Gene Copy Number Is Associated to Trastuzumab Failure in HER2 Positive Metastatic Breast Cancer (MBC). Cancer Res 2011; 71: 552s, P5-13-07

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, T. Jankowski, B. Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wysocki, W. Huang, M. P. Bates, J. Weidler, M. Haddad, J. Jassem. Związek pomiędzy ilościową oceną białka HER2 i ryzykiem przerzutów do mózgu u chorych na rozsianego raka piersi otrzymujących leczenie zawierające trastuzumab. Nowotwory J Oncol. 2011:61 (Supl.2): 36-37 .

  • GMinuti, M Roncalli, A Fabi, L Landi, J Jassem, R Duchnowska, W Biernat, R Sarnelli, M V-Garcia, F Cappuzzo. MET increased gene copy number and trastuzumab efficacy in HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer patients: preliminary results of an international retrospective collaborative study. Ann Oncol 2011; 22 (supl 2): ii29.

  • J. Jassem, R. Duchnowska, W. Biernat, L. M. Evans, D. P. Fitzgerald, S. Woditschka, B. Szostakiewicz, T. Mandat, B. Jarosz, T. Trojanowski, F. Szubstarski, B. Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, R. Staszkiewicz, B. Szostak, W. Olszewski, P. S. Steeg, L. Li, G. W. Sledge, D. Palmieri, S. S. Badve. Molecular analysis of matched primary tumors and brain metastases of breast cancer reveals the neuronal cell adhesion molecule L1CAM as a therapeutic target. J Clin Oncol 2011: 29 (supl; abstr e21138).

  • R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, E. Szutowicz, W. Biernat, T. Jankowski, W. Och, R. Staszkiewicz, M. Chudzik, W. Rogowski, N. Flores, S. Woditschka, L. Li, C. Goswami, M. A. Thorat, Y. Gokmen-Polar, G. W. Sledge, P. S. Steeg, D. Palmieri, S. S. Badve. RAD51 and brain metastases (BM) in patients (pts) with HER2+ breast cancer. JClin Oncol 29: 2011 (suppl; abstr 634).

  • W. Biernat, R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperindale, M. Haddad,A. Paquet, Y. Lie, J. Weidler, W. Huang, J. Winslow, T. Jankowski, B.Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wyscki, M. Foszczyńska-Kloda, B. Radecka,M. M. Litwiniuk, S. Debska, M. Bates, _J. Jassem. Quantitative measurements of p95HER2 (p95) and total HER2 (H2T) proteinexpression in patients with trastuzumab-treated, metastatic breast cancer (MBC): Independent confirmation of clinical cutoffs. J Clin Oncol 2011, 29, 15S.

  • R. Audet, R. Duchnowska. K. Adamowicz, J. Żok, W. Rogowski, M. M.Litwiniuk, S. Debska, M. Jaworska, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Kulma-Kreft,K. Zabkowska, C. Shen, S. Edgerton, K. V. Nielsen, A. D. Thor, J. C. N. Chang, K. Miller, J. Jassem. Thymidilate synthase gene copy number as predictive marker of capecitabine efficacy in patients with breast cancer. JClin Oncol 2011, 29, 15S

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, T. Jankowski, B.Arlukowicz-Czartoryska, P. J. Wysocki, W. Huang, M. P. Bates, J.Weidler, M. Haddad, J. Jassem . High HER2 protein level is associated with increased risk of brain metastasis (BM) in patients with metastatic breast cancer (MBC) treatedwith trastuzumab-containing therapy . 7th Central European Oncology Congress, Opatija, Croatia, June 12-15, 2011. Final Program & Abstract Book, 59 .

  • R. Duchnowska, B. Szostakiewicz, R. Dziadziuszko, T. Mandat, W.Olszewski, B. Jarosz, B. Czartoryska-Arłukowicz, B. Radecka, W. Biernat, J. Jassem. Receptor conversion in breast cancer brain metastases (BM). Eur J Cancer 2011; 47: Suppl. 1, s355.

  • R. Duchnowska, W. Biernat, B. Szostakiewicz, J. Sperinde, F. Piette, M.Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, P. Wysocki, T.Jankowski, B. Radecka, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M. Litwiniuk, S. Debksa, J.Weidler, W. Huang, M. Buyse, M. Bates, J. Jassem. Correlation between Quantitative HER2 protein expression and risk of brain metastases in HER-2 positive advanced breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab-containing therapy. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 291s, P2-12-05.

  • R. M. Audet, S. Changyu, R. Duchnowska, K. Adamowicz, J. Zok, W.Rogowski, M. Litwiniuk, S. Dębska, M. Jaworska, M. Foszczynska-Kloda, M.Kulma-Kreft, K. Zabkowska, J. Jassem, S. Edgerton, K. Vang Nielsen, A.Thor, J. Chang, K. Miller, G.W. Sledge, B. Leyland-Jones. Gene copy number and expression of TYMP and TYMS are predictive of outcome in breast cancer patients treated with capecitabine. Cancer Res 2011; 71: 514s-515s, P5-01-06

  • G. Minuti, R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, M. Roncalli, T. O?Brien, A. Fabi,L. Landi, R. Di Marsico, W. Biernat, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, T.Jankowski, D. Zuziak, J. Zok, B. Szostakiewicz, M. Foszczycnak-Kloda, A.Tempinska_Szalach, E. Rossi, M. Varella-Garcia, F. Capuzzo. MET and hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) increased gene copy number is associated to trastuzumab failure in HER2 positive metastatic breast cancer (MBC). Cancer Res 2011; 71: 552s, P5-13-07

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  • R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, C. Pankaj Goswami, Y. Gokmen-Polar, L. Li, M.A. Thorat, N. Flores, E. Hua, S. Woditschka, D. Palmieri, S. M. Steinberg, W. Biernat, K. Sosinska-Mielcarek, B. Szostakiewicz, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, B. Radecka, Z. Tomasevic, G. W. Sledge, P. S. Steeg, S. S. Badve, Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium.13-gene signature to predict rapid development of brain metastases in patients with HER2-positive advanced breast cancer. /J Clin Oncol/ 2012; 30 (supl; abstr 505).

  • W. Biernat, R. Duchnowska, T. Trojanowski, T. Mandat, A. Kowalczyk, B. Czartoryska-Arlukowicz, B. Radecka, B. Jarosz, R. Staszkiewicz, E. Kalinka-Warzocha, M. Chudzik, J. Sperinde, M. Haddad, A. Paquet, Y. Lie, J. W. Winslow, J. M. Weidler, W. Huang, C. J. Petropoulos, J. Jassem, Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Quantitative HER2 levels and steroid receptor expression in primary breast cancers and in matched brain metastases. /J Clin Oncol/2012;30 (supl; abstr. 603).

  • S. Woditschka, D. Palmieri, R. Duchnowska, J. Jassem, S. Badve, G.W. Sledge, Jr., P.S. Steeg. Overexpression of RAD51 promotes brain metastases from breast cancer Cancer Res /2012;72 (suppl 1, abstr. 5306).