CEEOG publications
Cheang MCU, Bliss JM, Viale G, Speirs V, Palmieri C, Shaaban A, Lønning PE, Morden J, Porta N, Jassem J, van De Velde CJ, Rasmussen BB, Verhoeven D, Bartlett JMS, Coombes RC; PathIES Sub-Committee. Evaluation of applying IHC4 as a prognostic model in the translational study of Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES): PathIES. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Feb;168(1):169-178.
von Minckwitz G, Procter M, de Azambuja E, Zardavas D, Benyunes M, Viale G, Suter T, Arahmani A, Rouchet N, Clark E, Knott A, Lang I, Levy C, Yardley DA, Bines J, Gelber RD, Piccart M, Baselga J; APHINITY Steering Committee and Investigators; Adjuvant Pertuzumab and Trastuzumab in Early HER2-Positive Breast Cancer.N Engl J Med. 2017 Jul 13;377(2):122-131.
Morden JP, Alvarez I, Bertelli G, Coates AS, Coleman R, Fallowfield L, Jassem J, Jones S, Kilburn L, Lønning PE, Ortmann O, Snowdon C, van de Velde C, Andersen J, Del Mastro L, Dodwell D, Holmberg S, Nicholas H, Paridaens R, Bliss JM, Coombes RC. Long-Term Follow-Up of the Intergroup Exemestane Study. J Clin Oncol. 2017 Aug 1;35(22):2507-2514.
Szutowicz-Zielińska E, Konopa K, Kowalczyk A, Suszko-Każarnowicz M, Duchnowska R, Szczęsna A, Ratajska M, Sowa A, Limon J, Biernat W, Burzykowski T, Jassem J, Dziadziuszko R. An open label phase II study evaluating first-line EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor erlotinib in non-small cell lung cancer patients with tumors showing high EGFR gene copy number. Oncotarget. 2017 Mar 7;8(10):17270-17278.
Duchnowska R, Jarząb M, Żebracka-Gala J, Matkowski R, Kowalczyk A, Radecka B, Kowalska M, Pfeifer A, Foszczyńska-Kłoda M, Musolino A, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Litwiniuk M, Surus-Hyla A, Szabłowska-Siwik S, Karczmarek-Borowska B, Dębska-Szmich S, Głodek-Sutek B, Sosińska-Mielcarek K, Chmielowska E, Kalinka-Warzocha E, Olszewski WP, Patera J, Żawrocki A, Pliszka A, Tyszkiewicz T, Rusinek D, Oczko-Wojciechowska M, Jassem J, Biernat W; Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Brain Metastasis Prediction by Transcriptomic Profiling in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer. Clin Breast Cancer. 2017 Apr;17(2):e65-e75.
Duchnowska R, Pęksa R, Radecka B, Mandat T, Trojanowski T, Jarosz B, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Olszewski WP, Och W, Kalinka-Warzocha E, Kozłowski W, Kowalczyk A, Loi S, Biernat W, Jassem J; Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Immune response in breast cancer brain metastases and their microenvironment: the role of the PD-1/PD-L axis. Breast Cancer Res. 2016 Apr 27;18(1):43.
Duchnowska R, Wysocki PJ, Korski K, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Niwińska A, Orlikowska M, Radecka B, Studziński M, Demlova R, Ziółkowska B, Merdalska M, Hajac Ł, Myśliwiec P, Zuziak D, Dębska-Szmich S, Lang I, Foszczyńska-Kłoda M, Karczmarek-Borowska B, Żawrocki A, Kowalczyk A, Biernat W, Jassem J; Central and East European Oncology Group (CEEOG). Immunohistochemical prediction of lapatinib efficacy in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. Oncotarget. 2016 Jan 5;7(1):550-64.
Winczura P, Sosińska-Mielcarek K, Duchnowska R, Badzio A, Lakomy J, Majewska H, Pęksa R, Pieczyńska B, Radecka B, Dębska-Szmich S, Adamowicz K, Biernat W, Jassem J. Immunohistochemical Predictors of Bone Metastases in Breast Cancer Patients. Pathol Oncol Res. 2015 Sep;21(4):1229-36.
Speirs V, Viale G, Mousa K, Palmieri C, Reed SN, Nicholas H, Cheang M, Jassem J, Lønning PE, Kalaitzaki E, van de Velde CJ, Rasmussen BB, Verhoeven DM, Shaaban AM, Bartlett JM, Bliss JM, Coombes RC; PathIES Sub-Committee. Prognostic and predictive value of ERβ1 and ERβ2 in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES)-first results from PathIES. Ann Oncol. 2015 Sep;26(9):1890-7.
Ramlau R, Cufer T, Berzinec P, Dziadziuszko R, Olszewski W, Popper H, Bajcic P, Dusšk L, Zbozinkova Z, Pirker R; INSIGHT study team. Epidermal Growth Factor Receptor Mutation-Positive Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer in the Real-World Setting in Central Europe: The INSIGHT Study, J Thorac Oncol. 2015 Sep;10(9):1370-1374
Duchnowska R, Sperinde J, Chenna A, Huang W, Weidler JM, Winslow J, Haddad M, Paquet A, Lie Y, Trojanowski T, Mandat T, Kowalczyk A, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Radecka B, Jarosz B, Staszkiewicz R, Kalinka-Warzocha E, Chudzik M, Biernat W, Jassem J. Quantitative HER2 and p95HER2 levels in primary breast cancers and matched brain metastases. Neuro Oncol. 2015 Sep;17(9):1241-9.
Duchnowska R, Jassem J, Goswami CP, Dundar M, Gökmen-Polar Y, Li L, Woditschka S, Biernat W, Sosińska-Mielcarek K, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Radecka B, Tomasevic Z, Stępniak P, Wojdan K, Sledge GW Jr, Steeg PS, Badve S. Predicting early brain metastases based on clinicopathological factors and gene expression analysis in advanced HER2-positive breast cancer patients. J Neurooncol. 2015 Mar;122(1):205-16.
Francis PA, Regan MM, Fleming GF, Láng I, Ciruelos E, Bellet M, Bonnefoi HR, Climent MA, Da Prada GA, Burstein HJ, Martino S, Davidson NE, Geyer CE Jr, Walley BA, Coleman R, Kerbrat P, Buchholz S, Ingle JN, Winer EP, Rabaglio-Poretti M, Maibach R, Ruepp B, Giobbie-Hurder A, Price KN, Colleoni M, Viale G, Coates AS, Goldhirsch A, Gelber RD; SOFT Investigators; International Breast Cancer Study Group. Adjuvant ovarian suppression in premenopausal breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2015 Jan 29;372(5):436-46.
Woditschka S, Evans L, Duchnowska R, Reed LT, Palmieri D, Qian Y, Badve S, Sledge G Jr, Gril B, Aladjem MI, Fu H, Flores NM, Gökmen-Polar Y, Biernat W, Szutowicz-Zielińska E, Mandat T, Trojanowski T, Och W, Czartoryska-Arlukowicz B, Jassem J, Mitchell JB, Steeg PS. DNA double-strand break repair genes and oxidative damage in brain metastasis of breast cancer. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2014 Jun 19;106(7). pii: dju14.
Pagani O, Regan MM, Walley BA, Fleming GF, Colleoni M, Láng I, Gomez HL, Tondini C, Burstein HJ, Perez EA, Ciruelos E, Stearns V, Bonnefoi HR, Martino S, Geyer CE Jr, Pinotti G, Puglisi F, Crivellari D, Ruhstaller T, Winer EP, Rabaglio-Poretti M, Maibach R, Ruepp B, Giobbie-Hurder A, Price KN, Bernhard J, Luo W, Ribi K, Viale G, Coates AS, Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A, Francis PA; TEXT and SOFT Investigators; International Breast Cancer Study Group. Adjuvant exemestane with ovarian suppression in premenopausal breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2014 Jul 10;371(2):107-18.
Duchnowska R, Sperinde J, Chenna A, Haddad M, Paquet A, Lie Y, Weidler JM, Huang W, Winslow J, Jankowski T, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Wysocki PJ, Foszczyńska-Kłoda M, Radecka B, Litwiniuk MM, Zok J, Wiśniewski M, Zuziak D, Biernat W, Jassem J. Quantitative measurements of tumoral p95HER2 protein expression in metastatic breast cancer patients treated with trastuzumab: independent validation of the p95HER2 clinical cutoff. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 May 15;20(10):2805-13.
Palmieri D, Duchnowska R, Woditschka S, Hua E, Qian Y, Biernat W, Sosińska-Mielcarek K, Gril B, Stark AM, Hewitt SM, Liewehr DJ, Steinberg SM, Jassem J, Steeg PS.
Profound prevention of experimental brain metastases of breast cancer by temozolomide in an MGMT-dependent manner. Clin Cancer Res. 2014 May 15;20(10):2727-39.
Sosińska-Mielcarek K, Duchnowska R, Winczura P, Badzio A, Majewska H, Lakomy J, Pęksa R, Pieczyńska B, Radecka B, Dębska S, Biernat W, Jassem J. Immunohistochemical prediction of brain metastases in patients with advanced breast cancer: the role of Rad51. Breast. 2013 Dec;22(6):1178-83.
Jassem J, Ozmen V, Bacanu F, Drobniene M, Eglitis J, Lakshmaiah KC, Kahan Z, Mardiak J, Pieńkowski T, Semiglazova T, Stamatovic L, Timcheva C, Vasovic S, Vrbanec D, Zaborek P. Delays in diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer: a multinational analysis. Eur J Public Health. 2014 Oct;24(5):761-7
Duchnowska R, Dziadziuszko R, Trojanowski T, Mandat T, Och W, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Radecka B, Olszewski W, Szubstarski F, Kozłowski W, Jarosz B, Rogowski W, Kowalczyk A, Limon J, Biernat W, Jassem J; Polish Brain Metastasis Consortium. Conversion of epidermal growth factor receptor 2 and hormone receptor expression in breast cancer metastases to the brain. Breast Cancer Res. 2012 Aug 16;14(4):R119.
Minuti G, Cappuzzo F, Duchnowska R, Jassem J, Fabi A, O'Brien T, Mendoza AD, Landi L, Biernat W, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Jankowski T, Zuziak D, Zok J, Szostakiewicz B, Foszczyńska-Kłoda M, Tempińska-Szałach A, Rossi E, Varella-Garcia M. Increased MET and HGF gene copy numbers are associated with trastuzumab failure in HER2-positive metastatic breast cancer. Br J Cancer. 2012 Aug 21;107(5):793-9.
Duchnowska R, Biernat W, Szostakiewicz B, Sperinde J, Piette F, Haddad M, Paquet A, Lie Y, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Wysocki P, Jankowski T, Radecka B, Foszczynska-Kłoda M, Litwiniuk M, Debska S, Weidler J, Huang W, Buyse M, Bates M, Jassem J. Correlation between quantitative HER-2 protein expression and risk for brain metastases in HER-2+ advanced breast cancer patients receiving trastuzumab-containing therapy. Oncologist. 2012;17(1):26-35.
Regan MM, Neven P, Giobbie-Hurder A, Goldhirsch A, Ejlertsen B, Mauriac L, Forbes JF, Smith I, Láng I, Wardley A, Rabaglio M, Price KN, Gelber RD, Coates AS, Thürlimann B; BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group; International Breast Cancer Study Group (IBCSG). Assessment of letrozole and tamoxifen alone and in sequence for postmenopausal women with steroid hormone receptor-positive breast cancer: the BIG 1-98 randomised clinical trial at 8·1 years median follow-up. Lancet Oncol. 2011 Nov;12(12):1101-8.
Chirgwin J, Sun Z, Smith I, Price KN, Thürlimann B, Ejlertsen B, Bonnefoi H, Regan MM, Goldhirsch A, Coates AS; BIG 1-98 Collaborative and International Breast Cancer Study Groups. The advantage of letrozole over tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial is consistent in younger postmenopausal women and in those with chemotherapy-induced menopause. Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2012 Jan;131(1):295-306.
Bertelli G, Hall E, Ireland E, Snowdon CF, Jassem J, Drosik K, Karnicka-Mlodkowska H, Coombes RC, Bliss JM. Long-term endometrial effects in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer participating in the Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES)--a randomised controlled trial of exemestane versus continued tamoxifen after 2-3 years tamoxifen. Ann Oncol. 2010 Mar;21(3):498-505.
BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group, Mouridsen H, Giobbie-Hurder A, Goldhirsch A, Thürlimann B, Paridaens R, Smith I, Mauriac L, Forbes J, Price KN, Regan MM, Gelber RD, Coates AS. Letrozole therapy alone or in sequence with tamoxifen in women with breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2009 Aug 20;361(8):766-76.
Giobbie-Hurder A, Price KN, Gelber RD; International Breast Cancer Study Group; BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group. Design, conduct, and analyses of Breast International Group (BIG) 1-98: a randomized, double-blind, phase-III study comparing letrozole and tamoxifen as adjuvant endocrine therapy for postmenopausal women with receptor-positive, early breast cancer. Clin Trials. 2009 Jun;6(3):272-8.
Rabaglio M, Sun Z, Price KN, Castiglione-Gertsch M, Hawle H, Thürlimann B, Mouridsen H, Campone M, Forbes JF, Paridaens RJ, Colleoni M, Pienkowski T, Nogaret JM, Láng I, Smith I, Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A, Coates AS; BIG 1-98 Collaborative and International Breast Cancer Study Groups. Bone fractures among postmenopausal patients with endocrine-responsive early breast cancer treated with 5 years of letrozole or tamoxifen in the BIG 1-98 trial. Ann Oncol. 2009 Sep;20(9):1489-98.
Viale G, Giobbie-Hurder A, Regan MM, Coates AS, Mastropasqua MG, Dell'Orto P, Maiorano E, MacGrogan G, Braye SG, Ohlschlegel C, Neven P, Orosz Z, Olszewski WP, Knox F, Thürlimann B, Price KN, Castiglione-Gertsch M, Gelber RD, Gusterson BA, Goldhirsch A; Breast International Group Trial 1-98. Prognostic and predictive value of centrally reviewed Ki-67 labeling index in postmenopausal women with endocrine-responsive breast cancer: results from Breast International Group Trial 1-98 comparing adjuvant tamoxifen with letrozole. J Clin Oncol. 2008 Dec 1;26(34):5569-7.
Jassem J. International Exemestane Study Group. Intergroup Exemestane Study mature analysis: overall survival data. Anticancer Drugs. 2008 Feb;19 Suppl 1:S3-7.
Jassem J. International Exemestane Study Group. Exemestane: an alternative treatment option in early breast cancer. Foreward. Anticancer Drugs. 2008 Feb;19 Suppl 1:S1. doi: 10.1097/01.cad.0000277607.85258.de.
Coombes RC, Kilburn LS, Snowdon CF, Paridaens R, Coleman RE, Jones SE, Jassem J, Van de Velde CJ, Delozier T, Alvarez I, Del Mastro L, Ortmann O, Diedrich K, Coates AS, Bajetta E, Holmberg SB, Dodwell D, Mickiewicz E, Andersen J, Lønning PE, Cocconi G, Forbes J, Castiglione M, Stuart N, Stewart A, Fallowfield LJ, Bertelli G, Hall E, Bogle RG, Carpentieri M, Colajori E, Subar M, Ireland E, Bliss JM; Intergroup Exemestane Study. Survival and safety of exemestane versus tamoxifen after 2-3 years' tamoxifen treatment (Intergroup Exemestane Study): a randomised controlled trial. Lancet. 2007 Feb 17;369(9561):559-7.
Senkus-Konefka E, Dziadziuszko R, Bednaruk-Młyński E, Pliszka A, Kubrak J, Lewandowska A, Małachowski K, Wierzchowski M, Matecka-Nowak M, Jassem J. A prospective, randomised study to compare two palliative radiotherapy schedules for non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Br J Cancer. 2005 Mar 28;92(6):1038-4.
Coombes RC, Hall E, Gibson LJ, Paridaens R, Jassem J, Delozier T, Jones SE, Alvarez I, Bertelli G, Ortmann O, Coates AS, Bajetta E, Dodwell D, Coleman RE, Fallowfield LJ, Mickiewicz E, Andersen J, Lønning PE, Cocconi G, Stewart A, Stuart N, Snowdon CF, Carpentieri M, Massimini G, Bliss JM, van de Velde C; Intergroup Exemestane Study. A randomized trial of exemestane after two to three years of tamoxifen therapy in postmenopausal women with primary breast cancer. N Engl J Med. 2004 Mar 11;350(11):1081-92.
A. Kukowska, R. Dziadziuszko, J. Jassem, Phase III trial evaluating the role of adjuvant celecoxib in completely resected, high-risk (pN1-2) non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients : study progress report, Lung Cancer 2004; vol. 45, suppl. 3, s. S49-S50
Jassem J, Schoket Z, Krzakowski M. Cancer clinical trials in Central and Eastern Europe: historical review. Crit Rev Oncol Hematol. 2002 May;42(2):157-61.
Jassem J, Pieńkowski T, Płuzańska A, Jelic S, Gorbunova V, Mrsic-Krmpotic Z, Berzins J, Nagykalnai T, Wigler N, Renard J, Munier S, Weil C; Central & Eastern Europe and Israel Pacitaxel Breast Cancer Study Group. Doxorubicin and paclitaxel versus fluorouracil, doxorubicin, and cyclophosphamide as first-line therapy for women with metastatic breast cancer: final results of a randomized phase III multicenter trial. J Clin Oncol. 2001 Mar 15;19(6):1707-15.
Eckhardt S. Reflections on oncology in Central and Eastern Europe. Ann Oncol. 1999;10 Suppl 6:3-7.
Jassem J, Gyergyay F, Kerpel-Fronius S, Nagykálnai T, Baumöhl J, Verweij J, Vuletic L, Mechl Z, Drozd-Lula M, Jelic S, et al. Combination of daily 4-h infusion of 5-fluorouracil and cisplatin in the treatment of advanced head and neck squamous-cell carcinoma: a South-East European Oncology Group study. Cancer Chemother Pharmacol. 1993;31(6):489-94.
Kánitz E, Kolaric K, Jassem J, Mechl Z, Pawlicki M, Ringwald G, Rolski J, Schoket Z, Vukas D, Kaplan E, et al. Randomized phase II trial of high-dose 4'-epi-doxorubicin + cyclophosphamide versus high-dose 4'-epi-doxorubicin + cisplatin in previously untreated patients with extensive small cell lung cancer. Oncology. 1992;49(5):327-32.
Eckhardt S, Kolaric K, Vukas D, Kánitz E, Schoket Z, Jassem J, Vuletic L, Jelic S, Mechl Z, Koza I, et al. Phase II study of 4'-epi-doxorubicin in patients with untreated, extensive small cell lung cancer. South-East European Oncology Group (SEEOG). Med Oncol Tumor Pharmacother. 1990;7(1):19-23.
Eckhardt S, Hernádi Z, Thurzó L, Telekes A, Sopkova B, Mechl Z, Pawlicki M, Kerpel-Fronius S. Phase II clinical evaluation of etoposide (VP-16-213, Vepesid) as a second-line treatment in ovarian cancer. Results of the South-East European Oncology Group (SEEOG) Study. Oncology. 1990;47(4):289-95.
Eckhardt S, Juhos E, Hindy I, Jelic S, Koza I, László G, Mechl Z, Nagykálnay T, Pawlicki M, Schoket Z, et al. Activity of epirubicin and dibromodulcitol in advanced breast cancer. Results of the South-East European Oncology Group Study. Oncology. 1988;45(6):409-12.
Ruhstaller T, Giobbie-Hurder A, Colleoni M, Jensen MB, Ejlertsen B, de Azambuja E, Neven P, Láng I, Jakobsen EH, Gladieff L, Bonnefoi H, Harvey VJ, Spazzapan S, Tondini C, Del Mastro L, Veyret C, Simoncini E, Gianni L, Rochlitz C, Kralidis E, Zaman K, Jassem J, Piccart-Gebhart M, Di Leo A, Gelber RD, Coates AS, Goldhirsch A, Thürlimann B, Regan MM; members of the BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group and the International Breast Cancer Study Group. Adjuvant Letrozole and Tamoxifen Alone or Sequentially for Postmenopausal Women With Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer: Long-Term Follow-Up of the BIG 1-98 Trial.J Clin Oncol. 2018 Nov 26:JCO1800440. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.00440. [Epub ahead of print]
Ruhstaller T, Giobbie-Hurder A, Colleoni M, Jensen MB, Ejlertsen B, de Azambuja E, Neven P, Láng I, Jakobsen EH, Gladieff L, Bonnefoi H, Harvey VJ, Spazzapan S, Tondini C, Del Mastro L, Veyret C, Simoncini E, Gianni L, Rochlitz C, Kralidis E, Zaman K, Jassem J, Piccart-Gebhart M, Di Leo A, Gelber RD, Coates AS, Goldhirsch A, Thürlimann B, Regan MM; members of the BIG 1-98 Collaborative Group and the International Breast Cancer Study Group. Adjuvant Letrozole and Tamoxifen Alone or Sequentially for Postmenopausal Women With Hormone Receptor-Positive Breast Cancer: Long-Term Follow-Up of the BIG 1-98 Trial.J Clin Oncol. 2018 Nov 26:JCO1800440. doi: 10.1200/JCO.18.00440. [Epub ahead of print]
Wu NC, Wong W, Ho KE, Chu VC, Rizo A, Davenport S, Kelly D, Makar R, Jassem J, Duchnowska R, Biernat W, Radecka B, Fujita T, Klein JL, Stonecypher M, Ohta S, Juhl H, Weidler JM, Bates M, Press MF. Comparison of central laboratory assessments of ER, PR, HER2, and Ki67 by IHC/FISH and the corresponding mRNAs (ESR1, PGR, ERBB2, and MKi67) by RT-qPCR on an automated, broadly deployed diagnostic platform.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Nov;172(2):327-338.
Gril B, Paranjape AN, Woditschka S, Hua E, Dolan EL, Hanson J, Wu X, Kloc W, Izycka-Swieszewska E, Duchnowska R, Pęksa R, Biernat W, Jassem J, Nayyar N, Brastianos PK, Hall OM, Peer CJ, Figg WD, Pauly GT, Robinson C, Difilippantonio S, Bialecki E, Metellus P, Schneider JP, Steeg PS. Reactive astrocytic S1P3 signaling modulates the blood-tumor barrier in brain metastases.Nat Commun. 2018 Jul 13;9(1):2705
Francis PA, Pagani O, Fleming GF, Walley BA, Colleoni M, Láng I, Gómez HL, Tondini C, Ciruelos E, Burstein HJ, Bonnefoi HR, Bellet M, Martino S, Geyer CE Jr, Goetz MP, Stearns V, Pinotti G, Puglisi F, Spazzapan S, Climent MA, Pavesi L, Ruhstaller T, Davidson NE, Coleman R, Debled M, Buchholz S, Ingle JN, Winer EP, Maibach R, Rabaglio-Poretti M, Ruepp B, Di Leo A, Coates AS, Gelber RD, Goldhirsch A, Regan MM; SOFT and TEXT Investigators and the International Breast Cancer Study Group. Tailoring Adjuvant Endocrine Therapy for Premenopausal Breast Cancer.N Engl J Med. 2018 Jul 12;379(2):122-137.
Cheang MCU, Bliss JM, Viale G, Speirs V, Palmieri C, Shaaban A, Lønning PE, Morden J, Porta N, Jassem J, van De Velde CJ, Rasmussen BB, Verhoeven D, Bartlett JMS, Coombes RC; PathIES Sub-Committee. Evaluation of applying IHC4 as a prognostic model in the translational study of Intergroup Exemestane Study (IES): PathIES.Breast Cancer Res Treat. 2018 Feb;168(1):169-178.
Duchnowska R, Sperinde J, Czartoryska-Arłukowicz B, Myśliwiec P, Winslow J, Radecka B, Petropoulos C, Demlova R, Orlikowska M, Kowalczyk A, Lang I, Ziółkowska B, Dębska-Szmich S, Merdalska M, Grela-Wojewoda A, Żawrocki A, Biernat W, Huang W, Jassem J. Predictive value of quantitative HER2, HER3 and p95HER2 levels in HER2-positive advanced breast cancer patients treated with lapatinib following progression on trastuzumab.Oncotarget. 2017 Oct 24;8(61):104149-104159.